Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I should be working....

Hello All,

So it has appeared to be a bit of time since my last post. I really should be working but I feel like I have been working no stop since Jan. 4th when I returned from vacation. In all this work, maybe its just my grass is greener on the other side attitude, but I want to have a job that I want to be at. Don't get me wrong I love HPS and all of its quirks but I have started to wonder if accounting is my dream or just what I did to make money. In the past few months I have really thought about money and how my ambitions have changed. I know that you need to have money to live and that I want to have a decent amount of money to help people and live comfortably. I know that this role will soon be turned over to Stephen, in three half years, and that he has similar ideas to me. I one time wanted to be the CEO of a fortune 500 company, then I realized what is the fun in being at work 24/7 (on call), travelling around not enjoying the sites, and all in all not being anything but work. That is what it takes to be a CEO and that isn't what I want. I want a family, friends, travel to remain fun, and excitiment on the weekends.

I guess all in all work is not my life. God is to be my life and God has a job for me that will fullfill my purpose. I still want to be comfortable though. I want a three or four bedroom house with a nice yard and a fence (vital to a dog) with a nice car every 5-10 years for Stephen and I (either a Venza, or C30, or another volvo station wagon). I want to be able to take vacations with our children around the country and world. I also want to be able to send my kids to college and have savings for retirement. Oh and the biggest thing is that I want to be able to stay home, maybe making minimal income as a side CPA (can't waste all that work :)).

On the stay at home Mom thing... I have always been the girl that said I will work and have a house husband take care of kids. In the past year I have really developped and found that turns the world upside down. Granted I know this will be construde as crazy by some women, but to be the provider in the family makes things weird. Stephen and I have discussed it alot, and having the woman as the bread winner just feels weird. It feels out of sorts and can the point of contention.

On to other things, I was taking this diet pill for a few weeks and it made me feel terribly angry. I just wanted to be alone the rest of my life. I stopped taking it due to lack of sleep, anger, and other weird symptons and I felt tons better. Unfortunately I started gaining weight in giant intervals. So I started WW again last Wed. I have a weigh in tomorrow evening. I hope I do good. I think I will lose some weight. I decided though that I am going to do this til the goal weight and be in my cute shorts again by the summer. I did it once I damn well can do it again, with God's help, self control, families help, and real motivation.

Well I better get back to work.... I know My Mom will read this and find I wasn't working and tell my boss :)